Bessie Blue

This was eight years ago. I was severely depressed and my life was a train wreck. But this little creature saved me. Bessie Blue was about a month old in this photo, and she came home with us a few weeks later. She brought so much joy, something that had been missing from my life for a long time. I loved her intensely, and she loved me back! I felt worthless and broken, but to her, I was everything. The way she looked at me gave me the belief that I was loveable. She gave me a reason to get up in the morning. She got me out of the house for walks. I truly believe that she saved my life and turned things around- I plucked up the courage to get back in touch with Pete. I knew what it felt like to be loved completely by another creature, so I was able to enter confidently into that relationship.
I think Bessie was an angel sent from heaven just at the right time. She's still going strong but she lives with my Mum now 💓


Time capsules


On Body Size